What Is That Special Place to You?

Big Sur Engagements and Beyond

There’s a stretch of Highway 1 between San Jose and Big Sur that feels like coming home for Crystal and Ysh. It’s a beautiful juxtaposition between a rocky cliff edge and the ocean, both dynamic and familiar. The cliff sometimes shrinks against the highway, sometimes stretches away from the road making room for rolling grass. The ocean is equally variable, changing moods from serene to choppy depending on the season.

While anyone who’s driven this road has a sense of awe at California’s beauty, the area holds special significance for Crystal and Ysh, who drive to Big Sur from the Bay Area once a year. It’s not just a freeway, it’s dozens of hours spent in the car daydreaming, laughing and listening to music together. It’s an area charged with nostalgia and their love for one another. It’s a place where good memories overlap to create a sacred space all their own.

Where do you want to take your engagement photos? What place holds value for you and your partner? What place is indelibly colored with your delight? Where will you go? We can help you get there.

Book Your Big Sur Photographer

Looking for an engagement photographer to capture your best day ever? Contact Love & Latitudes today to get booked!


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